Situating the dress.The Back
Admiring the beauty.
Some detail.
I was absolutely giddy the rest of the day! We were then off to lunch and then to Golden for the Coors Brewery Tour. Some celebratory and free beers later we were off to dinner with local family that we hadn't seen in years.
Sunday was lots of fun..
Sleeping in, then touristy shopping and exploring of downtown and lunch. More beer at lunch. Strawberry Ale yummy. Then we went to the Natural Science Museum. Lots of fun looking at fossils. Then it was time to come home, but Denver had other plans. Our flight was delayed for 45 minutes coming into Denver. We were then delayed nearly an additional 45 minutes due to weather. On top of all of these delays we had to take a longer route home because of storms. So we didn't land in Austin until 11:30pm. It was nearly 1:00am when we finally made it home.