Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Whoa...what a whirlwind two weeks. I'm glad to be home, but it is just craziness at work right now. We have our operator conference this weekend. Yucky! Working Friday night and all of Saturday..double Yucky!! But some great news to come soon, hopefully, fingers crossed! I'm hoping to get the open full-time salary position at work and they will be letting us know soon.

So the trip to Denver...
During the Dress Hunt of '09 C suggested making the search into a vacation, so I did. I called a salon in Denver and they had the dress I was searching for! I made the arrangements and this past weekend we trekked to the nice cool mountains. Man were they beautiful and the weather was amazing! A nice alternative to the 100+ degree heat here in Texas. After a late night flight and some issues with bags we settled in for a good nights sleep. Too bad I was too excited to sleep very well. We woke up that morning to an absolutely beautiful day! Mom and I went shopping while C went exploring.

When we went into the salon THE dress just hanging there. I was so excited! (It was really there. I was super scared that I was going to be flying all that way to find that the dress really isn't there.) I decided to try on some other dresses as well. I tried on a very form fitted gown. No way! A very pretty big puffy gown...No Thanks! Then the last gown with it...
I couldn't be happier. It was exactly what I wanted...

Situating the dress.The BackAdmiring the beauty.Some detail.

I was absolutely giddy the rest of the day! We were then off to lunch and then to Golden for the Coors Brewery Tour. Some celebratory and free beers later we were off to dinner with local family that we hadn't seen in years.

Sunday was lots of fun..

Sleeping in, then touristy shopping and exploring of downtown and lunch. More beer at lunch. Strawberry Ale yummy. Then we went to the Natural Science Museum. Lots of fun looking at fossils. Then it was time to come home, but Denver had other plans. Our flight was delayed for 45 minutes coming into Denver. We were then delayed nearly an additional 45 minutes due to weather. On top of all of these delays we had to take a longer route home because of storms. So we didn't land in Austin until 11:30pm. It was nearly 1:00am when we finally made it home.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Coming up with something to blog about lately beyond a weekend recap has been a little rough.
Nothing too interesting going on in my life has sparked a blog worthy topic. So hmm...

What to talk about?

Questions? Anything you want to know about me?

A little life recap:
Work has been picking up a little. It's nice to have things to do other than starring at my computer screen. We had an intern start this week, so I've been training her.
C has been working a lot lately. He's off on a gig tonight into tomorrow morning. boo :(
Wedding News - not a whole lot. I spent my day off last week making major vendor meeting arrangements and booked our get away car. Cadillac convertible! Woo Hoo! We had our first cake tasting on Monday. It was tons of fun, we got along great with the baker, and her cakes were so yummy! I have my first florist meeting with Glass Fountain tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm a little leery of costs though. It seems that everything I choose, though at the bottom of totem pole, has been more than what I think it should be. This is not helping the budget trimming that I want to do.
Vacation for 5 days at the end of this week!! Denver dress shopping in 2 weeks! This may be why the week has been dragging on and on...Hmm...

Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th!

We spent the 3-day weekend in the middle of nowhere that we like to call Richland Springs, TX home of the 6-man football state champs. It's the best place to relax and let everything go. It doesn't hurt that there is no cell phone reception or Internet access.

Each year they have a huge (huge for a town of 350) celebration that is topped off with an amazing 45 minutes fireworks display. Earlier in the day they have 4-wheeler races, a rodeo, horse shoes, washers, and a tractor pull. C and his dad played in the horse shoes and washers contest. They didn't do so hot this year, compared to previous years. No trophies :( But it was a good weekend. Lots of drinking, BSing with the family, sleeping, eating yummy grilled food, and tons of relaxing and recharging.

It seems like we have just been going and going these past few weeks and this weekend was exactly what we needed to recharge our batteries.

Some exciting news... C's brother is about to propose to his GF! He brought up pictures of rings that he had been looking wanting some opinions.

I had today off (thank you wonderful work!) and was very productive with it. I cleaned the house, did laundry, did dishes, worked in the back yard to beautify it a little, cooked dinner, booked our going away vehicle, and a little DIY items. And I got to sleep in till 11. It was awesome.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Update

The dress hunt '09 has continued this week. It included calling neighboring states for this dress...still no luck. So, while going through the list of stores Carl piped up and said "Hey, why not look into places that we could make into a vacation?" So that's what I did. I choose cities that we had never been to and wanted to visit to start calling salons. I finally landed on Denver, CO. It sounded like the perfect quick weekend trip; cool place, awesome vibe, great attractions (Carl has to be entertained while I'm on the hunt), and within a quick plane trip. Sure enough the second place I call in Denver and they have the dress. I think it was fate for me to call that place, because the sales lady that I talked to had just moved to Denver from Austin. Awesome!

I talked it over with mom, the holder of the finances, and she agreed. She's been wanting a quick vacation and there's family in Denver that we haven't seen in ages! Tonight I just booked our flights (I got a killer deal on them) and I'm in the process of looking at attractions. Coors brewery anyone?!

I'm stoked!! And these recently purchased little beauties may be going on the flight with me to make an appearance at dinner..