I finally decided I was ready to start trying on wedding dresses this weekend. I've been looking at tons the past few months. I narrowed down the silhouette that I liked and what I envisioned for my trip down the aisle. Armed with this information and the support of my mom and C's mom we were off.
Dress 1:
Dress 2:
Dress 3:

Dress 4:

This little beauty has been just a wee bit difficult to track down. I have called every dress salon in Texas that sells this line, except for Loredo, El Paso, and Brownsville which are a little too far for me to drive to. I have an email into a store in Shreveport. Hopefully they would have it! A quick to the great state of LA for some dress shopping and gambling?! I hope so! So, fingers crossed. Now I could wait till Sept when a truck show is supposed to be in Austin and the salon hosting said that they would request a sample brought in for me, but I'm impatient. Also, Sept would be the latest that I could order this dress.
After Friday, I was on a mission to find the dream dress that I have envisioned. I started calling salons in the area. I called a store in Waco to see if they had it. They said that the did, so I called up mom and we were off. When we arrived we were a little disappointed. The dress that I wanted is called Frisia and the one that they have is called Fresa, an easy mistake when taking on the phone. But it wasn't a total loss.
Dress 5:

Dress 6:

Dress 6:
Right now I love dress #6 and kinda like #3. Dress #6 fit all of my criteria. I was able to move comfortably (once hemmed), could dance (yes I made my mom dance with me in the bridal salon), all lace, I felt amazing and like a bride, and a killer price. But...
There is a dress I saw online that has my heart.

This little beauty has been just a wee bit difficult to track down. I have called every dress salon in Texas that sells this line, except for Loredo, El Paso, and Brownsville which are a little too far for me to drive to. I have an email into a store in Shreveport. Hopefully they would have it! A quick to the great state of LA for some dress shopping and gambling?! I hope so! So, fingers crossed. Now I could wait till Sept when a truck show is supposed to be in Austin and the salon hosting said that they would request a sample brought in for me, but I'm impatient. Also, Sept would be the latest that I could order this dress.
What do ya'll think, am I crazy to try to hunt this dress down? or Should I just stick with #6? or should I order the dream and pray that it looks good on me?
I definitely plan to go to other salons and try things on, but I keep thinking of the dream dress.