Our Engagement party was held over Memorial Day weekend. The weather could have cooperated a little better, but all in all it was a fabulous party. It was so nice to have family and friends around to celebrate this major event.

The super yummy cake. Half chocolate with raspberry and half vanilla with pineapple. It was so good.

Us giving an improtu speech. We were having a few mic difficulties. The grass on the railing was the only decoration that didn't blow away in the wind storm that we had earlier that afternoon. C's mom was so upset that every thing blew away. It didn't matter.

C trying to hide from giving a speech.

Us at the beginning of the party. And yes his mom does say he's special!

The amazing sunset.

There was a small shower during the party, but after there was a beautiful full rainbow that appeared. This is the best picture we were able to get of it. This is C's grandpa, C, and myself.

During C's brother's speech. His mom decided that he needed some practice. Poor thing had a few too many liquid courages before hand.

In the middle of his speech.

The whole group that came the 4+ hours to celebrate with us. Some of my aunts and uncles drove nearly 8 hours to experience this with us. Our families and friends are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G :)

C's parents. Those silly kids! Married for 28 years!


After a few adult beverages, friends and parents began to dance and eat cake the night away.
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