I'm so sorry bloggy world for neglecting you. I've had lots of post worthy events going on, just the lack of motivation and memory to get around to making it happen...
C just had his birthday on the 29th so we celebrated by having a little shin dig at the house. I cleaned my little heart out before hand. I was one motivated girl to attempt to get my home into tip-top shape for the event. Until my steam mop died on me. Boo... It was a sad ending, but thanks to the BBB's wonderful return policy I now have the newest Shark steam mop.

Back to the point of this post...
A great time was had by all. There were presents, guacamole, fajitas, salsa, queso, jello shots, and Hey Cupcake! Everyone was excited about the cupcakes. I was totally into the birthday party mood I even decorated the house with streamers and balloons. C was happy about his new game for the Wii, so much so that he got it a week before his birthday. I was going to make him hold on to it until the actual date, but I wanted to play it too.
The other guy in my life also had his birthday. To be exact the day after C's.

So a trip to Pets Mart to was in store (also a week early, I fail at keeping gifts until the actual day to give them). We went straight to the toy aisle. "What should we get him this year?" running through our minds. Last year he got a doggie edible cake from a local bakery. That was good and all, but a little pricey for him to spend a whole 0.00002 seconds appreciating before scarfing it down. We contemplated over the usual Monkey Squeak toy that he loves. (I don't know if "love" is the best word here, since he now has a pile of amputated or decapitated monkeys in his toy box. He plays a little rough.) Monkey just wasn't going to fit the bill this year and I'm tired of sewing monkey bits and pieces back together. Then I remembered reading about Jill and her new puppy Kylie and the purchase of a Kong. And then I saw one in the store. They had a little mini Kong for JD's size. It was so cute sitting there all small and tini next to the XL Kong for the big dogs. Then we saw the breath freshener Kong gunk (as C likes to refer to it as). We knew instantly that this was THE birthday present for our little dude. (JD has some bad breath. I don't know where it comes from. All he eats is Kibbles and little peanut butter flavor treats.)
Sure enough after filling it with bits of his favorite peanut butter treats and the Kong gunk our dog disappeared for the evening. It has now become his favorite toy ever! We have to hide it around bedtime or all he will do is play with it.
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