Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catch up

Ahhh…we’re 31 days out people. In 31 days I’m going to be walking down the aisle to meet my best friend and become his wife! I’ve waited 8 years to do this and I’m ecstatic about it. But…there is so much going on right now to get through these 31 days.

My goals and things to do:
*Have all of the wedding DIY things completed by April 30. Very do-able. I have a great support group that I haven’t used yet and I know they are all chomping at the bit to help. The list is getting shorter every day. So this weekend they are coming over to help put together programs and any other projects that I need completed.

*Organize everything for the wedding into boxes and label, label, label. Oh the joys of moving into a much larger house just before your wedding, completely empty extra bedrooms! One of ours has now become “wedding central” as I like to call it or its other nicknames “wedding room” or “room full of crap” on bad days. Everything is in a pile sitting next to its box. I just need to sit down and make up lists and detailed instructions as to where everything should go. This list also needs to go to the coordinator sooner than later.

*Confirming with vendors about balances, arrival times, and finalizing orders.
*Rehearsal dinner invites left yesterday. Very cute for the 30minutes worth of work and design that were put into them. Definitely work into the feel we were going for since our RD will be at Iron Works BBQ. Yum Yum.

*Final dress fitting is scheduled for May 3! Down fall…it’s 2 days after Bachelorette party and complete intoxication from what I’ve been told by the girls.

*Guys are getting their suits altered. Now we need to finalize and find all of Carl’s accessories (shoes, belt, and hat). We finally found the socks that he wanted after months of searching and debates. And what did we end up with…the exact ones we talked about at the very beginning. Whatevs.

*Marriage license. Big thing!
*Tracking down some 8oz bottled Dublin Dr. Pepper for a decent price. I’ve looked online to have it shipped from Dublin but I’m not willing to spend $100 in shipping charges. For that price I would just drive to Dublin, but I don’t have the time to do so. Any one know where this could be found, please let me know. It’s the last major missing thing.

Weight loss
I officially weighted myself this morning and I’m sitting at 146.4 lbs. Not too bad. I haven’t done any WW since coming back from New Orleans. I’ve tried to get back into it, but I fail when we drive past Torchy’s Tacos or Chik-fila. I’ve been doing some crunches, leg lifts, and push ups every night at home. I feel like my tummy is going down and I don’t look so bloated. We have a gym in our neighborhood, but I have yet to use it. I’m hoping after this week and all of the vendor meetings and DIY stuff done I can hit it up. I would love to start the Couch to 5K program, but we will see. I could definitely use a stress release in all of this.

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