Saturday, November 14, 2009


When we moved into our condo community over 4 years ago we hoped to become great friends with our neighbors. This grand idea of having neighborhood block parties and $5 wine nights floated in my head. From the first week of our life in this neighborhood this idea was shot to hell. And I'm talking about the deepest depths of hell...all by one woman. Over the years we have learned to just ignore her complaints against us (some bordering harassment and discrimination) and move on with our quiet existence here. We are fairly good acquaintances with the two ladies next to us, which has made things a little easier.

About a year and a half ago a gay-couple bought a unit across from us, but never fully moved into it until 3 months ago. And from that moment they have been causing us issues. Calling in complaints for rules that don't exist (and our stupid management company sending us a violation notice for said non-existent rule) and joining the other woman in some what harassing and discriminating complaints. About a week later I noticed some violations and took some photos of them with the intent to send them in. A day later I found out through the grapevine that one of the gentlemen just passed away. So I decided not to send in the photos to be nice and not add that to the poor guy's situation.

After tonight screw that shit. Screw trying to be nice and compassionate and neighborly. That just flew way out the window and is now on it's way the icy regions of the North.

We had two friends over to watch a movie and have pizza. One of our friends parked in the space next to this gentleman's unit. We have no assigned parking in our complex. When our friend leaves we see that the guy has intentionally parked his car behind our friend's and in a fire lane. After knocking on the door to ask him to move the guy refuses, so we tell him that we will be calling 311 to have it towed. After this he moves it, but with lots of cursing, vulgar gestures and threats. When he does move the car he flicks off Carl and our friend while honking his horn at them. I immediately call our management company and leave a message with them as well as writing a very unhappy/angry email to them requesting immediate response on Monday morning.

I'm tired of this and I'm not letting it roll off of my shoulders any longer. We're standing up for ourselves! While, I know you can't pick your neighbors and most times when you move it's a crap shoot as to what kind you will get. I think we got the shit end of the stick in these.

Rant done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Long time no see!

It has been a loooooooong time since I last posted. Life has been a little crazy, but tons of fun. I believe bullet points are the best way to catch everyone up.

Wedding Front:
*Had second engagement party here in Austin. Amazing friends threw us a drive in movie themed party complete with giant blow up movie screen and fresh popped popcorn in their backyard. Tons of fun! Highly recommend the idea for a great party.
* Picked out hotel accommodations for guests. Radisson Hotel downtown. Super friendly and easy to communicate with.
* Save the dates hit the mail on Monday. Still missing half of my mom's list, but I was tired of waiting so those will go out at a later date.
* Started on invitation mock ups. I love love love them. Very time consuming though. Glad I have nearly 4 months to work on them.
* Finalized look for table scapes. My attempt at making antique mason jars was a big fat FAIL! They are now clear with blue ribbon wrapped around the top. Very clean looking. I'm much happier.
* Found supplies for favor bags. Now waiting for them to come back in-stock

* Been battling vertigo for the past week and a half. It is no fun. I did get a week at home, but still had to work. Darn remote access. Off to the doctor for the 3rd time in a week tomorrow.
* Finished our office/guest bedroom make over. It is now "my" room. A huge transformation from what it was. Pictures later.
* Sea World excursion with MIL and BIL and his fiancee. It was nice, but I don't recommend going on a Sunday with work looming the next day.
* Organized the garage. YAY!
* Joined a softball league with Carl and some of his co-workers. I suck at this, but I give it a go every week.
*Trying to set some personal and work related goals to accomplish in the coming months. I'm pretty excited by my list.
*Deciding on when going back to school will happen. Definitely within the next 3-5 years and definitely before we have kids.

* Busy, busy, busy. I work in product distribution side of retail and Thanksgiving/Christmas is looming around the corner, enough said.
* Loving my job even with all of the extra work.
* Enjoying the samples that come in that we aren't going to be carrying. Carl loves them too, since he is a big kid and I work for a game/toy company.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Night

Most Friday nights I'm all for a good time with friends.

Tonight is a different story...I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie, wrapped up in my down comforter, and I'm in absolute heaven!

I've had offers to go out and probably should but this is exactly what I want to do tonight.

Have a great weekend!

Hook 'em Horns!

Monday, September 14, 2009


We all endure its pain at some point. Some have more than others. It can come from many things; that laundry list of things to do around the house, bills, major deadlines at work, wedding planning, or you have absolutely no clue.
I seem to be falling into this last category lately. I have no clue what is causing the stress, but I know it’s there. I think this stresses me out even more. I feel great about work, granted we moved to longer hours last week and it was a little difficult to transition, but nothing horrible. Wedding planning is moving right along. We booked our baker and florist in the past two weeks and we’re starting on hotel blocks and registries. Bills are under control. House work is a little bit of a pain in the rear, but when is it not. We are in the midst of a few house projects but fun and exciting things. We’re adding more storage and organization to the garage and painting and redecorating our office/guestroom. It’s time to move out of the college/bachelor pad look.
There are also physical manifestations that stress tends to take on. For the lucky ones it is in the form of weight loss, a want for more food, a lack of energy, or an headache. For me it is an eye twitch. This darn eye twitch has been going on for the past 5 days. Just a random friggin’ eye twitch that comes and goes. My boss swears that it is due to the wedding planning or a lack of potassium. He’s not quite sure which the culprit is. He had one that came while he was planning his wedding and then disappeared after. I hope that this is the case, but I don’t think that I can put up with this for the next 8 months.

Hope you all had a great weekend and were able to let go of some stress!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm so sorry bloggy world for neglecting you. I've had lots of post worthy events going on, just the lack of motivation and memory to get around to making it happen...

C just had his birthday on the 29th so we celebrated by having a little shin dig at the house. I cleaned my little heart out before hand. I was one motivated girl to attempt to get my home into tip-top shape for the event. Until my steam mop died on me. Boo... It was a sad ending, but thanks to the BBB's wonderful return policy I now have the newest Shark steam mop.

Back to the point of this post...

A great time was had by all. There were presents, guacamole, fajitas, salsa, queso, jello shots, and Hey Cupcake! Everyone was excited about the cupcakes. I was totally into the birthday party mood I even decorated the house with streamers and balloons. C was happy about his new game for the Wii, so much so that he got it a week before his birthday. I was going to make him hold on to it until the actual date, but I wanted to play it too.

The other guy in my life also had his birthday. To be exact the day after C's.
So a trip to Pets Mart to was in store (also a week early, I fail at keeping gifts until the actual day to give them). We went straight to the toy aisle. "What should we get him this year?" running through our minds. Last year he got a doggie edible cake from a local bakery. That was good and all, but a little pricey for him to spend a whole 0.00002 seconds appreciating before scarfing it down. We contemplated over the usual Monkey Squeak toy that he loves. (I don't know if "love" is the best word here, since he now has a pile of amputated or decapitated monkeys in his toy box. He plays a little rough.) Monkey just wasn't going to fit the bill this year and I'm tired of sewing monkey bits and pieces back together. Then I remembered reading about Jill and her new puppy Kylie and the purchase of a Kong. And then I saw one in the store. They had a little mini Kong for JD's size. It was so cute sitting there all small and tini next to the XL Kong for the big dogs. Then we saw the breath freshener Kong gunk (as C likes to refer to it as). We knew instantly that this was THE birthday present for our little dude. (JD has some bad breath. I don't know where it comes from. All he eats is Kibbles and little peanut butter flavor treats.)

Sure enough after filling it with bits of his favorite peanut butter treats and the Kong gunk our dog disappeared for the evening. It has now become his favorite toy ever! We have to hide it around bedtime or all he will do is play with it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life Update

Today was some major blah and emotional. One of my co-workers in my department passed away on Friday very unexpectedly. So, we're all trying to cope while still gearing up for season to officially start in 3 weeks. There is a lot going on. Our new intern starts on Monday which means more training in my future.

Personal/Home Life:
Pretty good. JD had an upset tummy from a bone that he loves a few days ago. He was very sad to see me take it away from him. I finally found time to really clean my house. All that it took was strangers to be coming to my house to interview me. Lots and lots of fun things in-store this week. Round Rock Express game tomorrow night with C's family, Wicked on Wednesday with my mom, C's mom's b-day on Thursday, and C's softball tournament on Saturday. Very busy. Full review of Wicked coming! Next week I have to travel to the oh-so-wonderful town of Bryan, TX to testify in a drunk driving accident. I was so stressed about this and I still am. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but it's still nerve wracking. Gahh...

I got a lot done this weekend. Trying to get my mind off of the events going on at work I focused on wedding planning.
1. Picked out rentals
2. Picked out linens (got talked out of buying them by my mother, who has been on a saving kick money except on this..weird I know)
3. Got two floral quotes
4. Ordered my garter (etsy you rock!)
5. Designed and ordered save the dates
6. Picked out the ties for the boys.
7. Went shopping and ordered the bridesmaids dresses
8. Picked out where we are going for the bachlorette party and then second guessed it...Another post topic
9. Picked out the suits for the guys
10. Saving the best for last... I ordered my beautiful dress!!!! {Jumping around and squealing inserted here} 6 months till this amazing dress is in my possession.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Vendors = Blah

Shopping on the other hand = AMAZING!

I think this statement is a given to most girls. Lately though I feel like I'm trudging through a marsh of mud. I have absolutely no want to plan the wedding, though I have meetings set up left and right. I'm nearing the end of the vendors I need to get, but all I want to do is be a lazy bum...and shop! Shop for shoes, buying my BEAUTIFUL dress {prancing around inserted here}, and all the accessories needed for this ensemble. Not to mention all the other outfits needed for upcoming wedding events.

All of my BMs are getting together on Sunday to go dress shopping. Mimosas and brunch to come before and then watching them twirl around and play dress up for a few hours. I'm excited and their excited. I guess this excitement is rubbing off, since C and his guys are getting together to go look at suits on Sunday too. Who knows what they will come up with. I have a feeling that there might end up being canes and Best Man patches coming my way. While, I think the Best Man patch would be funny and cute, our mothers might have a conniption.
I hope you all have a fabulous week, I know mine has already started off fan-freakin-tastic. I signed the paperwork today to be on salary pay at work! {insert more prancing} (I work for a retail company that has a teeny weeny number full-time office staff and tons of seasonal and part timers, so it's a big deal to land one of the spots)
So off to do more prancing and shopping!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Whoa...what a whirlwind two weeks. I'm glad to be home, but it is just craziness at work right now. We have our operator conference this weekend. Yucky! Working Friday night and all of Saturday..double Yucky!! But some great news to come soon, hopefully, fingers crossed! I'm hoping to get the open full-time salary position at work and they will be letting us know soon.

So the trip to Denver...
During the Dress Hunt of '09 C suggested making the search into a vacation, so I did. I called a salon in Denver and they had the dress I was searching for! I made the arrangements and this past weekend we trekked to the nice cool mountains. Man were they beautiful and the weather was amazing! A nice alternative to the 100+ degree heat here in Texas. After a late night flight and some issues with bags we settled in for a good nights sleep. Too bad I was too excited to sleep very well. We woke up that morning to an absolutely beautiful day! Mom and I went shopping while C went exploring.

When we went into the salon THE dress just hanging there. I was so excited! (It was really there. I was super scared that I was going to be flying all that way to find that the dress really isn't there.) I decided to try on some other dresses as well. I tried on a very form fitted gown. No way! A very pretty big puffy gown...No Thanks! Then the last gown with it...
I couldn't be happier. It was exactly what I wanted...

Situating the dress.The BackAdmiring the beauty.Some detail.

I was absolutely giddy the rest of the day! We were then off to lunch and then to Golden for the Coors Brewery Tour. Some celebratory and free beers later we were off to dinner with local family that we hadn't seen in years.

Sunday was lots of fun..

Sleeping in, then touristy shopping and exploring of downtown and lunch. More beer at lunch. Strawberry Ale yummy. Then we went to the Natural Science Museum. Lots of fun looking at fossils. Then it was time to come home, but Denver had other plans. Our flight was delayed for 45 minutes coming into Denver. We were then delayed nearly an additional 45 minutes due to weather. On top of all of these delays we had to take a longer route home because of storms. So we didn't land in Austin until 11:30pm. It was nearly 1:00am when we finally made it home.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Coming up with something to blog about lately beyond a weekend recap has been a little rough.
Nothing too interesting going on in my life has sparked a blog worthy topic. So hmm...

What to talk about?

Questions? Anything you want to know about me?

A little life recap:
Work has been picking up a little. It's nice to have things to do other than starring at my computer screen. We had an intern start this week, so I've been training her.
C has been working a lot lately. He's off on a gig tonight into tomorrow morning. boo :(
Wedding News - not a whole lot. I spent my day off last week making major vendor meeting arrangements and booked our get away car. Cadillac convertible! Woo Hoo! We had our first cake tasting on Monday. It was tons of fun, we got along great with the baker, and her cakes were so yummy! I have my first florist meeting with Glass Fountain tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm a little leery of costs though. It seems that everything I choose, though at the bottom of totem pole, has been more than what I think it should be. This is not helping the budget trimming that I want to do.
Vacation for 5 days at the end of this week!! Denver dress shopping in 2 weeks! This may be why the week has been dragging on and on...Hmm...

Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th!

We spent the 3-day weekend in the middle of nowhere that we like to call Richland Springs, TX home of the 6-man football state champs. It's the best place to relax and let everything go. It doesn't hurt that there is no cell phone reception or Internet access.

Each year they have a huge (huge for a town of 350) celebration that is topped off with an amazing 45 minutes fireworks display. Earlier in the day they have 4-wheeler races, a rodeo, horse shoes, washers, and a tractor pull. C and his dad played in the horse shoes and washers contest. They didn't do so hot this year, compared to previous years. No trophies :( But it was a good weekend. Lots of drinking, BSing with the family, sleeping, eating yummy grilled food, and tons of relaxing and recharging.

It seems like we have just been going and going these past few weeks and this weekend was exactly what we needed to recharge our batteries.

Some exciting news... C's brother is about to propose to his GF! He brought up pictures of rings that he had been looking wanting some opinions.

I had today off (thank you wonderful work!) and was very productive with it. I cleaned the house, did laundry, did dishes, worked in the back yard to beautify it a little, cooked dinner, booked our going away vehicle, and a little DIY items. And I got to sleep in till 11. It was awesome.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Update

The dress hunt '09 has continued this week. It included calling neighboring states for this dress...still no luck. So, while going through the list of stores Carl piped up and said "Hey, why not look into places that we could make into a vacation?" So that's what I did. I choose cities that we had never been to and wanted to visit to start calling salons. I finally landed on Denver, CO. It sounded like the perfect quick weekend trip; cool place, awesome vibe, great attractions (Carl has to be entertained while I'm on the hunt), and within a quick plane trip. Sure enough the second place I call in Denver and they have the dress. I think it was fate for me to call that place, because the sales lady that I talked to had just moved to Denver from Austin. Awesome!

I talked it over with mom, the holder of the finances, and she agreed. She's been wanting a quick vacation and there's family in Denver that we haven't seen in ages! Tonight I just booked our flights (I got a killer deal on them) and I'm in the process of looking at attractions. Coors brewery anyone?!

I'm stoked!! And these recently purchased little beauties may be going on the flight with me to make an appearance at dinner..

Monday, June 29, 2009

And the hunt begins...

I finally decided I was ready to start trying on wedding dresses this weekend. I've been looking at tons the past few months. I narrowed down the silhouette that I liked and what I envisioned for my trip down the aisle. Armed with this information and the support of my mom and C's mom we were off.
Dress 1: Dress 2:
Dress 3:

Dress 4:
After Friday, I was on a mission to find the dream dress that I have envisioned. I started calling salons in the area. I called a store in Waco to see if they had it. They said that the did, so I called up mom and we were off. When we arrived we were a little disappointed. The dress that I wanted is called Frisia and the one that they have is called Fresa, an easy mistake when taking on the phone. But it wasn't a total loss.
Dress 5:

Dress 6:

Right now I love dress #6 and kinda like #3. Dress #6 fit all of my criteria. I was able to move comfortably (once hemmed), could dance (yes I made my mom dance with me in the bridal salon), all lace, I felt amazing and like a bride, and a killer price. But...

There is a dress I saw online that has my heart.

This little beauty has been just a wee bit difficult to track down. I have called every dress salon in Texas that sells this line, except for Loredo, El Paso, and Brownsville which are a little too far for me to drive to. I have an email into a store in Shreveport. Hopefully they would have it! A quick to the great state of LA for some dress shopping and gambling?! I hope so! So, fingers crossed. Now I could wait till Sept when a truck show is supposed to be in Austin and the salon hosting said that they would request a sample brought in for me, but I'm impatient. Also, Sept would be the latest that I could order this dress.
What do ya'll think, am I crazy to try to hunt this dress down? or Should I just stick with #6? or should I order the dream and pray that it looks good on me?
I definitely plan to go to other salons and try things on, but I keep thinking of the dream dress.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reflections of the week.

This week has been pretty darn good! On Sunday I dragged C and my mom to the Bridal Extravaganza. It was definitely a little over whelming, but I gathered some really good information. I was a little disappointed that I didn't see a lot of the vendors that I wanted to talk to, but oh well. What I did find was a possible new caterer. Last week we thought we had found the one, but after a tasting we weren't happy. I was definitely under impressed with the food.

The new caterer prospect has been great to work with so far. I filled out a form of what we wanted for food at the wedding, discussed it a little with them, and by Tuesday I had a proposal in my in-box. I was so happy when I opened it. Their proposal gave me the budget friendly numbers I'd been praying for, while offering a jazzed up, scrumptious sounding menu. I was stoked to try some of their food (especially the watermelontini they had proposed for our specialty drink). So last night we went to an open house and tried some things. Everything we tried wasn't on our menu, but it was good stuff! After discussing our specific proposal I had a revised, even cheaper proposal in my in-box this afternoon. We are now setting up a time to do a private tasting! I'm so pumped about this. After my first proposal from a company that wanted to charge me $100/person (for freaking fajitas!) and the sad tasting from the second company, I was a little frustrated and upset with the way this part of the planning was going. Things have definitely turned around!

Last night we also went and saw Mama Mia! It was AWESOME! So funny. I'm sure the people next to me were upset that I kept updating my phone for the most current score of the baseball game, but oh well. I'm glad the show was as entertaining as it was or I might have had a sleeping beauty sitting next to me. C worked an all-night shift after work on Tuesday, came home Wednesday and slept for about an hour, then went back to work for a full 8hrs, and then the show. I have no clue how he lasted through it all. I think he was running on pure adrenaline from the events of the night before and all the meetings that day. I know I would have been a ragging b*tch by that time with no sleep.

Tomorrow I start the dress hunt with my momma and C's mom. We're going to be some cry babies, I have a feeling. The plans of the weekend are pretty darn limited. Taking it easy and maybe/hopefully a trip down to Luling for the watermelon thump are in store for Saturday night.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We have decided that as much as we enjoy watching house shopping shows, like Property Virgins or House Hunters, we can no longer watch them. Watching these shows is like a tease to us right now. We desperately want out of the retirement community we currently call our neighborhood. (I am not exaggerating on this point. I think the average age, if you didn't include us, would be around 60+.) Though these shows are great for getting ideas for what we want in a new home, it's hard to watch.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday -
Tried a new sushi restaurant that opened in our neighborhood. Yummy. I was sufficiently stuffed that I came home and quickly fell asleep on the couch. Woke up a few hours later to go to bed. While taking my contacts out I scratched my eye. Boo. (more to come on this)

Saturday -
Woke up with a completely red eye. Greeeaat. :( We then ran a bunch of errands. The red eye made driving a little difficult since sunlight was not my friend. Petsmart was first on our list for some dog food for the picky eater. Ends up they don't carry the food he likes anymore. Bummer, but there were puppies there to play with. I was so tempted to come home with a new one. An adorable Catahoula puppy with brown coloring. (I know many people don't know this breed, but it's the breed of dog that I grew up with. Amazing dogs!) The quick trip to Home Depot turned into a spending spree. Ekk. We got a new faucet, a new BBQ grill, some new plants, and filters. After coming home we installed the faucet, replaced the filters, planted, and assembled the new grill. We decided since we decided to get the new grill it had to be broken in with a pool BBQ party. Quick trip to the grocery store, turned into a nightmare for me. On the way there I determined that said red eye was not in good shape. It hurt like hell. It felt like my eye wouldn't dilate properly to sunlight and there were constant water works. It was quite a scary experience. I didn't like it. Pool BBQ was great. The sun was going down, so I was safe for going out.

Sunday -
Woke up and my eye was in worse shape. It hurt, looked horrible, and constant watering. I big pain in my rear. I was not happy about having to wear my glasses all day. (Not that I have a thing against glasses, it's just that mine don't fit in any way.) So, with all this I decided it was time to make a trip to the ER to figure out what I did. After the quickest trip to the ER (1.5 hours from arrival to departure!) it was determined that I scratched my cornea. Doctors orders required no contacts for a few more days, dark sunglasses for going out, and dark/dimmed lighting. So I stayed in my cave of a home for the rest of the day, watched the baseball game, cleaned, and ate. It was nice.

It has been a little weird driving to work yesterday and today. I have my glasses that I try to wear, but the sun is too bright without sunglasses. The only problem is that my sunglasses aren't prescription. It's not like I'm as blind a bat driving around. I swear. I can see pretty darn well without my glasses/contacts, just not detail. (My contact prescription is only a -1.25, which is really nothing). So, I should be able to wear my contacts tomorrow! 3 days of being held up in my dark cave is not helping my vampire look at the moment.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Drum roll please...

This was such a fun check on the wedding to-do list. I have to say at the moment probably at the top of the list. Though there haven't been too many, but I'm sure it will stay up there. This will be my focus when things get a little hairy in the planning process. I know it seems a little early to be booking for this, but I wanted to take advantage of some good pricing.
The destination of this honeymoon will be...
A 10-night cruise from Rome to London leaving right after the wedding. We will leave on Sunday or Monday and head to Rome for a few days before boarding.
Day 0
Civitavecchia (Rome)
05:00 PM
Day 1
Santa Margherita, Italy
08:00 AM
05:00 PM
Day 2
Marseille, France
08:00 AM
05:00 PM
Day 3
Barcelona, Spain
08:00 AM
05:00 PM
Day 4
At Sea
Day 5
Cadiz (Seville) Spain
06:00 AM
05:00 PM
Day 6
Lisbon, Portugal
08:00 AM
05:00 PM
Day 7
At Sea
Day 8
St Peter Port, Guernsey
02:00 PM
08:00 PM
Day 9
Le Havre (Paris) France
08:00 AM
08:00 PM
Day 10
Dover (London) England
08:00 AM
I am so pumped. (insert shriek of excitement here) Isn't the room pretty?!

C just doesn't know what he is getting into with this huge traveling experience coming. This includes pretty luggage, passport cover, and finding the right pillow for the long flight. So if any of you ladies know great travel finds please pass them along.

Engagement Party

Our Engagement party was held over Memorial Day weekend. The weather could have cooperated a little better, but all in all it was a fabulous party. It was so nice to have family and friends around to celebrate this major event. The super yummy cake. Half chocolate with raspberry and half vanilla with pineapple. It was so good.

Us giving an improtu speech. We were having a few mic difficulties. The grass on the railing was the only decoration that didn't blow away in the wind storm that we had earlier that afternoon. C's mom was so upset that every thing blew away. It didn't matter.

C trying to hide from giving a speech.
Us at the beginning of the party. And yes his mom does say he's special!

The amazing sunset.

There was a small shower during the party, but after there was a beautiful full rainbow that appeared. This is the best picture we were able to get of it. This is C's grandpa, C, and myself.

During C's brother's speech. His mom decided that he needed some practice. Poor thing had a few too many liquid courages before hand.

In the middle of his speech.

The whole group that came the 4+ hours to celebrate with us. Some of my aunts and uncles drove nearly 8 hours to experience this with us. Our families and friends are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G :)

C's parents. Those silly kids! Married for 28 years!


After a few adult beverages, friends and parents began to dance and eat cake the night away.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm tired right now, but tomorrow will bring a double post of Engagement Party recap and Honeymoon Plans. C has to work all night tomorrow, so I will have plenty of time to update everyone.

Queen for the day!

OK so I'm so behind on this, but I said that I would do it.

The wonderful Victoria tagged me as Queen of ALLL Things Awe-Summm!!!

List 7 things that make you awesome Pass the award onto 7 bloggers that you love.Tag those bloggers to let them know they are now Queens too(and link back to the Queen who tagged you).

1. I love my job!

2. I can touch my tongue to my nose.

3. I have a pimp for a dog. Who is currently playing with (i.e. rolling on) a June bug.

4. Carl is going to my husband in under a year! This is the best thing ever.

5. I love to watch football and can hang with the guys on info about teams, only college though.

6. I can make some killer cake balls.

7. My FMIL is amazing and we get along so well we even vacation together just the two of us.

I'm supposed to tag others, but everyone I know has already done this.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Catch Up

I know there has been some major absence from the blog for a few weeks. Life has been super jam packed with events. So bullet points...
1. Awesome Memorial Day weekend at the coast with amazing friends and family
2. During said weekend one fun filled, mucho enjoyable, friends break dancing with parents, double arching rainbow, and windy but all around A-M-A-Z-I-N-G engagement party! We feel so blessed to have great friends and family to travel, some 8+ hours, to come and enjoy this event with us. Pictures to come shortly.
3. Co-worker departed Austin to head back home to San Fran. Boo :( Going away parties to say goodbye
4. Trying to figure out the world of catering and the hold they have over my wedding right now.
5. Honeymoon is booked! Totally pumped about this. It has been the shinning happiness to the wedding planning right now. Or maybe a distraction to the yuck of #4.
6. Celebrating BFFs birthday this past weekend with good drinks (maybe too good), good music, and amazing friends. Also, getting to meet the new boy in her life. (He checks out OK right now. My enjoyment of the adult beverages inhibited a better evaluation)
7. Great date night with C to see Night at the Museum at the Texas State History Museum. Awesome. I was a little pumped about the possibility of the exhibits coming to life, but sadly no activity while we were there. :(
8. Relaxing weekend of limited activity.

Upcoming events:
1. Sea World!!!! We're taking C's mom this weekend with his brother and his girl. I'm so excited.
2. Painting, decorating, and organizing office.
3. 2 vendor meetings this week and multiple reviews of everything else.
4. Some kind of ending to the catering debacle. I really need to let this go.
5. The Hangover comes out!

P.S. I know Victrola tagged me for a lovely award and I will get on top of this tomorrow! Promise. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Engagement Party!

So this weekend C's parents are graciously throwing us an engagement party. I can't wait. And did I mention that it's going to be at the coast! I love the town that we are having it in. If we didn't have so many people coming to our wedding I thought long and hard about having it there. C's family has been going here each summer for well over 60+ years. They haven't missed a single summer.
Anyways, while I'm not planning the actual party I am in charge of the housing arrangements and food for our friends and bridal party, as well as, the housing for my mom and family. While I don't mind doing this I have found myself getting flustered and stressed about it tonight. I think a lot of this has to do with C leaving town all week for work. He won't be back till Friday to pick me up and head to the coast. This leaves all of the final details like grocery shopping, packing for the both of us, laundry, and coordinating people all on my shoulders. Ahhhh.. There have been, no joke, 15 lists made tonight alone about things that need to done. I need a drink!

Oh great, as I am typing this they make a nice little announcement about the upcoming weather forecast and what does it include...a possible tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Lets add one more thing to my list to stress about.

Well, enough with the freak out. Monday is over, which means Tuesday lunch with my boss tomorrow! Yummy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Movies and Yogurt..mmmm

So we decided at the last minute to go see the new Angels and Demons movie last night. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it, despite the crummy reviews. I can say that it wasn't as good as The DaVinci Code, but hey. Towards the end there were definitely some twists that I didn't see coming.

The yogurt part of the night was the yummy highlight to the night. We went to the Hill Country Galleria to see the movie and a new store opened up recently called Yogurt Planet. It was so good.
So you go into the store get a cup and fill it up with whatever flavor of NON FAT yogurt you want. Mix and match is the name of the game. I personally really enjoyed the peanut butter and cake batter. Next time I want to try the pomegranate flavor. Next you move on to the topping bar. Add whatever fruit and sweets your heart desires. From strawberries, blue berries, pineapple, to fruity pebbles, cheese cake bites, and captain crunch. I was in heaven at this place! Definitely recommend it! The also have a location at The Triangle, and if I remember properly, there is a catering truck that you can bring to your event!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Post

It's my first post. I finally got around to making this thing, so lets see if I can keep up with it. Hopefully it will serve as a journal for all of the wedding planning and life events that go on.

So a little info about C and I... I just graduated from UT and just started a job after being unemployed for the past few months. The whole getting up early thing really isn't working for me yet. C and I have been together for almost 7 and a half years, high school sweet hearts. We have a great little pom named JD, who is the biggest pimp on the block and he knows it.

We love being outside and enjoying all that Austin has to offer. We are also big home-bodies that enjoy just relaxing with an adult beverage or two and watching movies. Really we're just attempting to look like adults and do the grown up thing.