Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th!

We spent the 3-day weekend in the middle of nowhere that we like to call Richland Springs, TX home of the 6-man football state champs. It's the best place to relax and let everything go. It doesn't hurt that there is no cell phone reception or Internet access.

Each year they have a huge (huge for a town of 350) celebration that is topped off with an amazing 45 minutes fireworks display. Earlier in the day they have 4-wheeler races, a rodeo, horse shoes, washers, and a tractor pull. C and his dad played in the horse shoes and washers contest. They didn't do so hot this year, compared to previous years. No trophies :( But it was a good weekend. Lots of drinking, BSing with the family, sleeping, eating yummy grilled food, and tons of relaxing and recharging.

It seems like we have just been going and going these past few weeks and this weekend was exactly what we needed to recharge our batteries.

Some exciting news... C's brother is about to propose to his GF! He brought up pictures of rings that he had been looking wanting some opinions.

I had today off (thank you wonderful work!) and was very productive with it. I cleaned the house, did laundry, did dishes, worked in the back yard to beautify it a little, cooked dinner, booked our going away vehicle, and a little DIY items. And I got to sleep in till 11. It was awesome.

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